Source code for reuse.header

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Stefan Bakker <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kirill Elagin <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Dmitry Bogatov
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

"""Functions for manipulating the comment headers of files."""

import datetime
import logging
import re
import sys
from gettext import gettext as _
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence

from binaryornot.check import is_binary
from boolean.boolean import ParseError
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, Template
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from license_expression import ExpressionError

from . import SpdxInfo
from ._comment import (
from ._util import (
from .project import Project

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_ENV = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader("reuse", "templates"), trim_blocks=True
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = _ENV.get_template("default_template.jinja2")

_NEWLINE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\n", re.MULTILINE)

class _TextSections(NamedTuple):
    """Used to split up text in three parts."""

    before: str
    middle: str
    after: str

[docs]class MissingSpdxInfo(Exception): """Some SPDX information is missing from the result."""
# TODO: Add a template here maybe. def _create_new_header( spdx_info: SpdxInfo, template: Template = None, template_is_commented: bool = False, style: CommentStyle = None, ) -> str: """Format a new header from scratch. :raises CommentCreateError: if a comment could not be created. :raises MissingSpdxInfo: if the generated comment is missing SPDX information. """ if template is None: template = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE if style is None: style = PythonCommentStyle rendered = template.render( copyright_lines=sorted(spdx_info.copyright_lines), spdx_expressions=sorted(map(str, spdx_info.spdx_expressions)), ) if template_is_commented: result = rendered.strip("\n") else: result = style.create_comment(rendered).strip("\n") # Verify that the result contains all SpdxInfo. new_spdx_info = extract_spdx_info(result) if ( spdx_info.copyright_lines != new_spdx_info.copyright_lines and spdx_info.spdx_expressions != new_spdx_info.spdx_expressions ): _LOGGER.debug( _( "generated comment is missing copyright lines or license" " expressions" ) ) raise MissingSpdxInfo() return result
[docs]def create_header( spdx_info: SpdxInfo, header: str = None, template: Template = None, template_is_commented: bool = False, style: CommentStyle = None, ) -> str: """Create a header containing *spdx_info*. *header* is an optional argument containing a header which should be modified to include *spdx_info*. If *header* is not given, a brand new header is created. *template*, *template_is_commented*, and *style* determine what the header will look like, and whether it will be commented or not. :raises CommentCreateError: if a comment could not be created. :raises MissingSpdxInfo: if the generated comment is missing SPDX information. """ if template is None: template = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE if style is None: style = PythonCommentStyle new_header = "" if header: try: existing_spdx = extract_spdx_info(header) except (ExpressionError, ParseError) as err: raise CommentCreateError( "existing header contains an erroneous SPDX expression" ) from err # TODO: This behaviour does not match the docstring. spdx_info = SpdxInfo( spdx_info.spdx_expressions.union(existing_spdx.spdx_expressions), spdx_info.copyright_lines.union(existing_spdx.copyright_lines), ) new_header += _create_new_header( spdx_info, template=template, template_is_commented=template_is_commented, style=style, ) return new_header + "\n"
def _indices_of_newlines(text: str) -> Sequence[int]: indices = [0] start = 0 while True: match =, start) if match: start = match.span()[1] indices.append(start) else: break return indices def _find_first_spdx_comment( text: str, style: CommentStyle = None ) -> _TextSections: """Find the first SPDX comment in the file. Return a tuple with everything preceding the comment, the comment itself, and everything following it. :raises MissingSpdxInfo: if no SPDX info can be found in any comment """ if style is None: style = PythonCommentStyle indices = _indices_of_newlines(text) for index in indices: try: comment = style.comment_at_first_character(text[index:]) except CommentParseError: continue if contains_spdx_info(comment): return _TextSections( text[:index], comment + "\n", text[index + len(comment) + 1 :] ) raise MissingSpdxInfo()
[docs]def find_and_replace_header( text: str, spdx_info: SpdxInfo, template: Template = None, template_is_commented: bool = False, style: CommentStyle = None, ) -> str: """Find the first SPDX comment block in *text*. That comment block is replaced by a new comment block containing *spdx_info*. It is formatted as according to *template*. The template is normally uncommented, but if it is already commented, *template_is_commented* should be :const:`True`. If both *style* and *template_is_commented* are provided, *style* is only used to find the header comment. If the comment block already contained some SPDX information, that information is merged into *spdx_info*. If no header exists, one is simply created. *text* is returned with a new header. :raises CommentCreateError: if a comment could not be created. :raises MissingSpdxInfo: if the generated comment is missing SPDX information. """ if style is None: style = PythonCommentStyle try: before, header, after = _find_first_spdx_comment(text, style=style) except MissingSpdxInfo: before, header, after = "", "", text # pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation _LOGGER.debug(f"before = {repr(before)}") _LOGGER.debug(f"header = {repr(header)}") _LOGGER.debug(f"after = {repr(after)}") # Extract shebang from header and put it in before. It's a bit messy, but # it ends up working. if header.startswith("#!") and not before.strip(): before = "" for line in header.splitlines(): if line.startswith("#!"): before = before + "\n" + line header = header.replace(line, "", 1) else: break elif after.startswith("#!") and not any((before, header)): for line in after.splitlines(): if line.startswith("#!"): before = before + "\n" + line after = after.replace(line, "", 1) else: break header = create_header( spdx_info, header, template=template, template_is_commented=template_is_commented, style=style, ) new_text = header.strip("\n") if before.strip(): new_text = before.strip("\n") + "\n\n" + new_text if after.strip(): new_text = new_text + "\n\n" + after.lstrip("\n") return new_text
def _get_comment_style(path: Path) -> CommentStyle: """Return value of CommentStyle detected for *path*. :raises KeyError: if no comment style is detected. """ style = FILENAME_COMMENT_STYLE_MAP.get( if style is None: style = EXTENSION_COMMENT_STYLE_MAP[path.suffix] return style def _verify_paths_supported(paths, parser): for path in paths: try: _get_comment_style(path) except KeyError: # TODO: This check is duplicated. if not is_binary(str(path)): parser.error( _( "'{path}' does not have a recognised file extension," " please use --style or --explicit-license" ).format(path=path) ) def _find_template(project: Project, name: str) -> Template: """Find a template given a name. :raises TemplateNotFound: if template could not be found. """ template_dir = project.root / ".reuse/templates" env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(str(template_dir)), trim_blocks=True ) names = [name] if not name.endswith(".jinja2"): names.append(f"{name}.jinja2") if not name.endswith(".commented.jinja2"): names.append(f"{name}.commented.jinja2") for item in names: try: return env.get_template(item) except TemplateNotFound: pass raise TemplateNotFound(name) def _add_header_to_file( path: PathLike, spdx_info: SpdxInfo, template: Template, template_is_commented: bool, style: Optional[str], out=sys.stdout, ) -> int: """Helper function.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments result = 0 if style is not None: style = NAME_STYLE_MAP[style] else: style = _get_comment_style(path) with"r") as fp: text = try: output = find_and_replace_header( text, spdx_info, template=template, template_is_commented=template_is_commented, style=style, ) except CommentCreateError: out.write( _("Error: Could not create comment for '{path}'").format(path=path) ) out.write("\n") result = 1 except MissingSpdxInfo: out.write( _( "Error: Generated comment header for '{path}' is missing" " copyright lines or license expressions. The template is" " probably incorrect. Did not write new header." ).format(path=path) ) out.write("\n") result = 1 else: with"w") as fp: fp.write(output) # TODO: This may need to be rephrased more elegantly. out.write(_("Successfully changed header of {path}").format(path=path)) out.write("\n") return result
[docs]def add_arguments(parser) -> None: """Add arguments to parser.""" parser.add_argument( "--copyright", "-c", action="append", type=str, help=_("copyright statement, repeatable"), ) parser.add_argument( "--license", "-l", action="append", type=spdx_identifier, help=_("SPDX Identifier, repeatable"), ) parser.add_argument( "--year", "-y", action="store", type=str, help=_("year of copyright statement, optional"), ) parser.add_argument( "--style", "-s", action="store", type=str, choices=list(NAME_STYLE_MAP), help=_("comment style to use, optional"), ) parser.add_argument( "--template", "-t", action="store", type=str, help=_("name of template to use, optional"), ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude-year", action="store_true", help=_("do not include year in statement"), ) parser.add_argument( "--explicit-license", action="store_true", help=_("place header in path.license instead of path"), ) parser.add_argument("path", action="store", nargs="+", type=PathType("w"))
[docs]def run(args, project: Project, out=sys.stdout) -> int: """Add headers to files.""" if not any((args.copyright, args.license)): args.parser.error(_("option --copyright or --license is required")) if args.exclude_year and args.year: args.parser.error( _("option --exclude-year and --year are mutually exclusive") ) paths = [_determine_license_path(path) for path in args.path] # First loop to verify before proceeding if is None and not args.explicit_license: _verify_paths_supported(paths, args.parser) template = None commented = False if args.template: try: template = _find_template(project, args.template) except TemplateNotFound: args.parser.error( _("template {template} could not be found").format( template=args.template ) ) if ".commented" in Path( commented = True year = None if not args.exclude_year: if args.year: year = args.year else: year = expressions = set(args.license) if args.license is not None else set() copyright_lines = ( {make_copyright_line(x, year=year) for x in args.copyright} if args.copyright is not None else set() ) spdx_info = SpdxInfo(expressions, copyright_lines) result = 0 for path in paths: binary = is_binary(str(path)) if binary or args.explicit_license: new_path = _determine_license_suffix_path(path) if binary: _( "'{path}' is a binary, therefore using '{new_path}'" " for the header" ).format(path=path, new_path=new_path) ) path = Path(new_path) path.touch() result += _add_header_to_file( path, spdx_info, template, commented,, out ) return min(result, 1)